Popa Falls Game Park

Popa Falls Boat Cruise 20 © NWR 2018

Namibia’s smallest game park with abundant bird species, of which more than 400 species recorded here.


The park conserves a small patch of riverine forest on the Okavango River’s east bank and on small islands. The river’s course is interrupted by a quartzite ledge, creating a four-metre-high series of rapids, known as the Popa Falls, before the river continues on its journey to Botswana and the Okavango Delta.


The Popa Falls Game Park is a popular stepping-stone for tourists visiting nearby protected areas such as the Khaudum National Park, the Buffalo and Mahango core areas of the Bwabwata National Park, and a bit further afield, the Mudumu and Nkasa Rupara national parks in the Zambezi Region.


N$ 18.38 N$ 23.41 N$ 19.95