- 10 social media influencers to collaborate with NWR for the next four months.
- Each Influencer to receive complimentary accommodation, meals, and activities at five different NWR resorts.
- Social media influencers to post about their experiences on their social media page/s and tag NWR using the #NWRMoments.
Windhoek, 1 November 2021 – Between 24 May – 31 May 2021, Namibia Wildlife Resorts (NWR) Limited provided Social Media Influencers with an opportunity to submit a two-page proposal highlighting why NWR should collaborate with them from 1 November 2021 to 31 October 2022 on its first-ever Social Media Influencer Programme. A total of 199 submissions were received from various social media influencers.

Out of the 199 submissions, each one was subjected to the following criteria: the authenticity of the social media influencer, the overall quality of social media posts by the influencer, the demographics the social media influencer has and lastly, their level of engagement on their social media platforms. Additionally, and very critically, each social media influencer had to highlight an alignment to NWR’s values before they could be considered. These values are Accountability, Integrity, Passion, Excellence, Innovation and Environmental Awareness.

“Due to the significant number of submissions, we ended up selecting ten social media influencers with whom we will collaborate with for the next four months. It truly pains us that we could not choose more influencers due to the high quality of submissions we received,” says Mr Mufaro Nesongano, NWR Corporate Communications, Online Media and Sponsorships Manager.

The ten social media influencers that NWR will collaborate with are: Ms Elizabeth Amunyela (IG: @__ndapandula), Mr Lourens Gebhardt (IG: @louxthevintageguru), Ms Li Rossouw (IG: @lirossouw), Mr Kyle Lewin (IG: @kylelewin_wildlife_photography), Ms Pukuu Rijatua (IG: @_pukuu), Ms Maggy Lenga (IG: @mlmaggy), Ms Tjuna Kauapirura (IG: @ tjunak), Ms Marsy Rita (IG: @ ladymarsela), Ms Elizma Burger (IG: @elizma.burger) and Ms Nakanyala Ndapewa (IG: @ndapewakoneka). “Each one of these influencers bring a unique aspect that will greatly benefit us. As NWR, we made sure not to limit ourselves to just established influencers but to look at individuals that embody our values and most importantly have something unique and innovative to offer,” says Dr Matthias Ngwangwama, NWR Managing Director.

For the duration of this programme, every influencer will have an opportunity to visit any five NWR establishments under the different classifications NWR has. Each influencer will receive complimentary accommodation, meals, and activities, excluding drinks. In return, the influencer will be expected to post about their experience on their social media page/s and tag NWR using the #NWRMoments. “It is unfortunate that our industry was so negatively impacted by Covid-19 because we would have wanted to remunerate each influencer for their time and transport costs they are going to put towards the realisation of this programme. We are thus very grateful to each one of them for accepting our offer and seeing an opportunity to further build their brand with us,” says Mr Nesongano.